I just finished a new piece, in time for a show at Opportunities Credit Union on the corner of North Street and North Avenue. Ric, from
Kasini House called and asked if I would put some work up there for the months of December - February. There are currently 9 pieces of mine in the show. Stop by and take a gander!
This one is called
Meet Virginia, and is 18 x 24 on vellum. Very much mixed media. Acrylic paint, found images (including that great print on handmade paper of the woman's face), colored pencil, and glitter. This was a fun piece to work on; I had actually started on it
months ago, and then, of course, got busy working on other projects. Having to put up a show is great for lighting a fire under my ever-widening bottom. God, I need to start doing Yoga again.