Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Wall Art

They will be so pretty!

Pink_Bird_jaimers White_Birds_jaimers

Just imagine them together on a wall. From Etsy.

Covet of the Week


I'll be moving soon. It's tough, and I don't want to bore you with the gorey details. New apartments, do, however, lend themselves to new decorating. Hence, the covet of the week. Once again, courtesy of DWR, the Theatre Armchair.

Also, this Friday, please come to the First 50 opening if you can, in downtown Burlington. I have a new painting in there. It's called, "Love in the telegraph office". I'm watching too much Deadwood. February 1st, 5-8pm.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Geek Speak


Jobs you never knew you wanted:
Metaverse evangelist

As Second Life and other virtual worlds, called metaverses, have grown in popularity, they've transformed from a gaming novelty into a communications boon for job-hunters as well as corporate leaders. Ian Hughes, an IT specialist at IBM Hursley in Hampshire County, England, has taken on a new title -- metaverse evangelist -- to advise how these virtual worlds can benefit individuals and companies. Hughes also joined a team of specialists at IBM to develop a metaverse on the company's intranet so that employees could have a more private place to discuss their work.
While technically, Hughes, along with his colleagues, works a standard forty-hour week, as an evangelist, he continuously promotes the technology, which means plenty of hours spent in Second Life. But for the metaverse enthusiast, that's definitely a perk, along with "freedom to operate and explore," says Hughes.
Regarding salary, Hughes only comments, "Probably not as much as you would think," though the standard salary range of $60,000 to $80,000 for a computer developer is far from shabby.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Paint! Canvas!


I finally started to paint again. Here's a detail shot of the piece I just finished. You can see the whole painting by clicking here. I'm really happy to be painting again. It's Acrylic on stretched canvas, and will be the piece I enter in the First 50 show if my name get's pulled out of the hat. Ah! Art by lottery, how much more utopian can you get?


I also never posted any Christmas lights photos, so go here if you want to see some. The shot above is from a house that is around the corner from us.